Email your MP about decision to let warlord sue British journalist

Rishi Sunak's Treasury allowed Russian oligarch Yevgeny Prigozhin to override sanctions to launch an aggressive legal campaign against a journalist | Aleksey Smagin/Kommersant/Sipa USA. Composite image by openDemocracy. All rights reserved

The UK Treasury helped a Russian warlord circumvent the UK government’s own sanctions, and launch a targeted legal attack on a British journalist.

Yevgeny Prigozhin founded Wagner, a private army that the US government last week announced it would designate a “transnational criminal organisation”. The Treasury’s Office of Financial Sanctions Implementation issued special licences in 2021 to let the oligarch override sanctions and launch an aggressive legal case against journalist Eliot Higgins in the London courts. That case collapsed in March 2022.

Now the government has announced a review of how this happened. But we need the results of that to be made public. MPs have been calling for this but to add to that pressure, will you please email your MP now asking them to tell the government the results of the review must be made public? This kind of contact from a constituent can be very effective.

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