Email your MP about giving free permits to energy giants

The UK's biggest polluters have been given the equivalent of £10bn under a little-known scheme meant to help tackle climate change | Clynt Garnham Industry / Alamy Stock Photo / Adobe Stock (image manipulation by James Battershill)The UK government handed energy giants including Shell and BP free pollution permits worth £1bn last year and plans to give them billions more!

The climate crisis is biting hard this summer. Millions of us are struggling with soaring energy bills. Polluting energy giants are posting record profits and the UK government is giving them help worth billions.

Under the Emissions Trading Scheme these companies should have to buy a government permit for every tonne of carbon dioxide they emit. Instead, the government is handing out free permits worth billions.

It’s not just energy firms. Incredibly, the government gave nearly £690,000 worth of these permits to a Russian airline the day after the invasion of Ukraine.

It needs to stop now.

Will you email your MP right now to say that the government must stop giving free permits to energy companies?
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